The birds were late but then they all arrived. First was a pine warbler checking out the new suet. It did not seem impressed. Then white throats and juncos came scurrying across the patio while a pair of towhees rustled around under the azalea. The yellow rumped warbler was more satisfied with the suet. I think the reason the downy woodpeckers have been eating from the bottom of the suet is that's where the last of the previous block is. Several doves showed up eventually.

Meanwhile, pelicans plunged and mallards paddled downstream. Later an egret landed on the dock and migrant ducks flew past - I could not be sure if they were hooded mergansers or buffleheads. One in the water was a male merganser.

At lunch a flock of cormorants went downstream, diving and running on water. I assume they were driving a school of fish. Pelicans, egrets, and great blue herons hung around the creek. The feeders were busy too. Titmice joined the returning butterbutts, woodpeckers, white throats, and regulars.
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