When I got up, a blanket of cloud had not quite reached the Eastern horizon. Fleeting moments of sunshine lasted for maybe an hour before overcast was complete. By 10am rain had begun and by 11 it was a downpour, followed at noon by lightning flashes and distant rumbles. The regulars were joined by juncos and white throats. Something big landed in a pine, but I never got a good look at it.

After the rain began a dove showed up. A few buffleheads paddled and dived. A flock of geese crashed into the creek and headed downstream.
The storm slacked off before dinner and the sky began to clear around 2pm. Sun drew a greater variety of birds, plus squirrels. Titmice, warblers and woodpeckers appeared belatedly. A small gray goldfinch posed atop the wrought-iron feeder hanger but was scared off when two male downy woodpeckers squabbled.
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