All I saw was a lone egret flying over the dam. While the sun shone, clouds were thinly scraped across the sky.

Around lunch time the overcast thickened and the birds came out. So did the yard crew to cut down the cedar. The view was improved but the birds lost cover. Hopefully so did the critters that want to live in the attic. The downy woodpeckers argued about whose turn it was. Titmice and butterbutts wanted some suet too. A Carolina wren preferred sunflower seeds as did the usual suspects. A dove and some white throats and juncos stuck to the mulch.

Then the blackbirds arrived. There were brown headed cowbirds and red wing blackbirds but mostly starlings. They scared all the little birds off but were very skittish themselves. Meanwhile, great blue herons and pelicans flew by and a kingfisher lit on the dock. Some male hooded mergansers paddled around.
The temperature dropped as the day wore on and the clouds looked like snow to me. But nothing precipitated.
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