There was blue sky all morning. The wind was not as strong as last week. White throated sparrows and squirrels were up early. The regulars all put in an appearance at the seed feeder. In between two titmice shared the perch. Carolina wrens were more interested in the mealworms in the glass dish. So was a squirrel. There was a low-speed courtship chase involving two squirrels. A downy woodpecker took seeds but hammered them on the post, not the perch. I saw a dragonfly zipping along the retaining wall. A queen yellow jacked looked for a suitable place for a nest. Bees were out all over the yard.

In the late afternoon there was less wind. A dove foraged in the mulch. Titmice, white throats, and the regulars were hungry. Out on the creek bachelor mallards paddled upstream. Someone was fly fishing down by the dam, with a kid in tow. A heron soared overhead, going North. The wild cherry began to bloom. I found the honeybees in the azalea. The moon was up and easier to photograph in daylight.
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