A male goldfinch came to the feeder but was intimidated by a female cardinal and disappeared. A female downy woodpecker got seeds from the feeder to hammer on the post. A titmouse slipped in to get seeds when no other bird was looking. The house wren continued to be busy with the wooden birdhouse. Blue jays circled through the shrubbery and poked through the mulch. The geese repeatedly tried to bring their goslings up to the pool level, probably to eat grass seed. The dredge motor made a lot of noise and annoyed egrets.

The goldfinch pair were back at lunch. So was the downy. The geese continued to hang around with their four goslings. Blue iris blooms replaced the fading wood hyacinths.
The geese settled in at the edge of the spartina and were very reluctant to leave. At supper, titmice and the female downy shelled sunflower seeds while the male cardinal fed the female.
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