It was quiet at the feeders until after breakfast. Then I glimpsed a junco in the mulch. The two Carolina wrens arrived right after. Out on the creek, geese were kicking up a fuss. The sun shone but the creek surface undulated with shallow waves heading downstream.

Bees, wasps, a cabbage white, beetles, gnats, and maybe a dragonfly flew in the warm afternoon. Two huge carpenter bees tussled in the air over the azalea till one drove off the other ant then patrolled the bush. Tent caterpillars infested the wild cherry. Ants congregated under a rock in the sun. A small millipede was under a piece of shingle in the shade.

The strong wind from the West pushed the low tide as low as I've ever seen. It came in gusts that roared and beat up the flowers. The domestic cherry was in bloom and the wild cherry showed buds. The hackberry was only green is spots, making me wonder if the rest was killed over winter. Buds were swollen on the hickory and the sycamore. The fig was leafed out. A titmouse played with me as it hopped around overhead.
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