As usual, an egret fished at the dam outfall. White throated sparrows mostly stayed on the ground while titmice and chickadees worked on the seed feeder. The Carolina wrens discovered the mealworms I'd put in the glass feeder.

The first rose opened up. Unfortunately it was on a diseased plant. finches twittered in the trees and I heard a kingfisher on the creek. A great black backed gull circled like an osprey. And soon an osprey did the same. I saw a damselfly, after it saw me. A cabbage white and several orange butterflies challenged the wind. Bees argued over the azaleas.

The clear sky made a quiet sunset. A white throated sparrow was the last bird still hunting supper. The waxing moon was bright at twilight. Jupiter was bright enough to photograph, if only I could have held the camera steady long enough.
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