A little sun slid under the overcast at breakfast, but before I'd finished a sprinkle of rain fell. The South wind became fierce. Juncos, white throats, and squirrels foraged, while titmice and downy woodpeckers visited the feeder. Two doves were engaged in a low speed chase that may have been courtship. A blue jay was hanging around the red cedar again. I suspect there may be a nest in that evergreen. A pair of buffleheads ignored a fish splashing next to them. Too big, I suppose. A pelican cruised low over the creek.

By mid morning the clouds had turned dark and menacing, but with breaks of sunshine. The wind had swung around to the West at lunch, but the predicted rain did not appear. A Carolina wren did, briefly. So did a cabbage butterfly. A blue jay seemed to be picking over potential nesting material.

A couple of osprey fought the wind in the afternoon but didn't see any fish worth taking a plunge. An egret preened on the dock in the wind. Then another landed to do the same. I learned an egret is smart enough to face into the wind to defecate. A third egret passed below as it stalked along the creek bank.
At supper I saw robins flitting around the trees. An osprey hovered and moved on. Then I glimpsed a crow chase what I believe was a hawk over our roof, but I'm not certain. Shortly thereafter, four buzzards circled above the dam. I wonder if the alleged hawk dropped its dinner? The wind finally dropped at twilight.
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