Three adult geese brought three very young goslings up to walk across the pool cover for no reason that I could see. They marched right back down and paddled away. Later a flock gathered in the water off our yard but I didn't see the goslings with them. There seemed to be some speed dating involved.

A female goldfinch drank from the hummer feeder's ant moat. The regulars came to the seed feeder and the house finches courted there. The two cardinal pairs fussed at each other, and not just the males either. Two titmice shared the feeder. The house wren was still busy. I also saw a skink, a dragonfly, a crane fly, the male downy woodpecker, a crow harassing a buzzard, and an osprey passing over headed toward the bay.

A Carolina wren came for mealworms in the afternoon. A cabbage white flitted among the wood hyacinths. A snowy egret was apparently catching something at the dam outfall. And the goslings were back but the family stayed close to the water.
Later there were four goslings, and they were after our grass seed. Where did the fourth one come from? I sent them and their adult escorts running downhill, but the adults tried to sneak back several times. Somewhat later, I saw a couple of brown thrashers under the oak. I don't know if they were after grass seed. A hummer appeared just as the light was fading. And there were white throated sparrows under the feeder.
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