The creek was still under a white sky. Down by the dam it looked scummy, probably with pollen. The fresh mulch did not deter the white throated sparrows, but it did hide fallen seeds. A Carolina wren ate mealworms out of the dish feeder. The regulars came for seeds though a male cardinal hopped around on the pool cover as though chasing something. A starling had a look around but didn't find anything.

On the way back from the pool, I saw a brown thrasher across from the school. At home I heard a house wren trilling but couldn't see it. The clouds clumped up so sunshine came and went. And then, the female hummer arrived.

In the afternoon, an egret stalked along the bulkhead. A trio of bachelor Northern shovelers paddled on the lake. As the day wore on, it got windier. And the sun set behind a smear of cloud. Titmice came for supper.
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