The creek reflected gently wavering images under a blue sky. White throated sparrows were still here. Titmice and the regulars ate sunflower seeds. A male downy checked for suet, but unlike the female, didn't try the seeds. A couple of starlings walked across the patio. The tux cat prowled through a couple of times.

When I opened the garage in the mid morning, in flew a bird. Of course I didn't have the camera. I went in and got it, but by then the bird was about to leave. When I got home, I saw the first house wren of the season as it scuttled under a patio chair. After lunch, we potted a pepper "pod." The rose next to the driveway was covered with aphids.

Osprey circled over the creek in the afternoon. A blue-tailed skink slithered through the mulch. Bees and wasps sought nectar. A huge carpenter bee kept looking in withered azalea blossoms. A bee fly basked on a sunny ivy leaf. Cabbage whites flitted around and at one point I saw a dragonfly.

Later in the afternoon a squirrel climbed up to nibble on the hickory buds. The pecan was beginning to leaf out. A sunflower seedling started below the feeder. Unfortunately, poison ivy also put out leaves. Wild columbine was in bloom. A couple of small blackberry brambles had blossoms. Even moss was beginning to put up spore stalks. Quite a heap of fallen tree limbs was piled up by the fence. The last time I looked they were still hanging off the trees, though dead and rotting.
At supper the cardinal was feeding his mate. Another bright moon in a clear sky followed the simple sunset.
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