Morning was hot and humid and the sky was hazy. The hummer with a white throat was up early but I didn't see the one that's molting. Two male cardinals argued over the feeder, but the really bald one ate in peace. I glimpsed a yellow dragonfly but couldn't be sure of identification. For the first time in years, the hibiscus managed a second blooming.

Butterflies were thick and three were some dragonflies ignoring them in favor of smaller fry. I saw a monarch, three kinds of swallowtail, painted ladies, skippers, and maybe others. A slaty skimmer was perched but a blue dragonfly zipped past me and went on down to the creek. Bees and flies swarmed the milkweed as well as skippers and the monarch. I rescued a spider from the skimmer only to have it dive back in and disappear.

As we were finishing lunch all the birds seemed to get frantic for food, especially chickadees and cardinals. The hummer that is not molting made repeated visits. Two Carolina wrens appeared as thunder rumbled. A thunderstorm boiled up South of us and swept overhead, dropping real rain, not just a shower. An egret just kept fishing by the dam outfall.After about an hour the rain let up but the clouds, West and South. looked poised for another round. It was so humid that the windows fogged up.
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