There were white wisps when I got up and half an hour later the sky was overcast, then that too swept off to the West. A male goldfinch got a drink from the hummer feeder moat. Hummers sucked up juice every couple of minutes. I had glimpses of egrets on the creek.
A rap on the window alerted me in time to see (but not photograph) a cicada killer in hot pursuit of a cicada. Wow! The wind discouraged birds and bugs for the most part. However, an aerial battle between hummers passed right over my head. A titmouse was unwilling to land on the feeder with me near.

The black swallowtail caterpillars are just as voracious, but they
have more rue than the monarchs have milkweed. The swallowtail is on
the left and the monarch on the right.

Altogether it was not much of a photography day - just flowers and caterpillars. There were flowers on the trumpet vine and the chaste tree. The fern fronds were dark with spores. The saltmarsh fleabane had buds, though there was only one plant this year.
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