At breakfast, a titmouse, two wrens, and a hummer appeared. I picked figs, thinking that enough time had passed since the rain so that there would be some newly ripened ones, which there were. The ones that had been ripe during the rain were fuzzy with mold and buzzing with honeybees and flies. I retrieved the unused birdhouse which fell down in the storm. The argiope was still in the spartina though I did not see a breakfast bundle today. I figured out that the reason the spider didn't look quite right is that I'm seeing the ventral side with the spinnerets.

Hummers were very busy with the flowers all morning. The night heron came back. An osprey cruised over the lakes North of us. The juvenile cowbird was begging around the feeder. It was twice the size of a house finch. A fledgling cardinal was on the feeder perch, a house finch on the roof, and the cowbird fledgling on the hanger.

I rescued a cute jumping spider from a floating leaf. A black swallowtail visited the rue. I've seen no caterpillars on it this summer. Skippers stayed with the sunflowers. A cicada bumbled all over the yard, but too fast for me. Mating
saddlebags flew overhead. A blue dasher perched and later a bar-winged

At supper, gulls (I think) circled high in the Northern sky. A couple of egrets flew home against a background of frothy clouds. Cicadas sang. And I surprised a bullfrog that went "eek" and jumped into the water.
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