Titmice were back for breakfast. I saw a high-flying dragonfly when I refilled the mealworm dish. A cloudless sulphur flitted past. It seemed to be attracted to red flowers. A squirrel seemed to have a pale tail. I got back around noon and it was still sunny, breezy, and pleasant. A hummer was visiting the lantana by the driveway, then shot over to the front feeder. In the back yard, hummers fought over the feeder, except when goldfinches commandeered it for a drink from the ant moat. Two male goldfinches actually shared access to it.

A palamedes swallowtail visited the hibiscus. A tiger swallowtail just flew across the yard. A snout butterfly perched in the dogwood. The cloudless sulphur continued to flit around. A green lacewing landed on the window. A cicada killer explored the patio. And a blue dasher watched from the bamboo stake. In the afternoon, the lantana by the driveway was swarming with fiery skippers. A slaty skimmer perched above them but must have been after smaller prey. More skippers went for the herbs out back, along with honeybees and a hairstreak.

I glimpsed a skink on the patio at lunch but in the afternoon I caught one in the pool. They swim quite well despite their undersized legs and unwebbed feet. Mating saddlebags and 12-spotted skimmers flew overhead.

At supper the two male goldfinches returned. At one point, a goldfinch, a hummer, and a Carolina wren were all around the hummer's feeder.
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