Hot sun alternated with dark-bellied clouds that promised rain but didn't deliver. A stinkbug walked around the window at breakfast. That was about it.

Later in the morning I rescued beetles from the water. A couple of Carolina wrens ran around on the trunk of the oak. A black swallowtail worked hard at laying eggs while a cloudless sulphur just flitted through the trees.

At lunch a downy woodpecker and a titmouse tried to get turns at the feeder. The hummer was distressed by all the activity so close. A couple of grackles got nowhere with the feeder.

Dragonflies prowled the afternoon air. A four spotted penant perched on the same spartina as the argiope - a lethal combination. A yellow crowned night heron perched on a piling, then flew up into the redwood. Egrets hung out at the dam.
At supper, I saw a hummer, a wren, and a snowy egret. Tonight, tomorrow before dawn actually, is peak for the
Perseid meteors. The prediction is cloudy, alas.
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