It was actually cooler outside than in at breakfast. A hummer came to drink every couple of minutes. The hibiscus burst with flowers, again. The sky was cloudless. The squirrel with the pale tail proved to be a male.
When I came back, a slaty skimmer was perched over a swarm of fiery skippers on the lantana. A hummer visited the front feeder. We picked the last four figs.

After lunch, a male goldfinch was pushed off by house finches. A tiger swallowtail laid eggs all over the wild cherry. I found three kinds of caterpillars - black swallowtail, monarch, and fritillary. A duskywing, a monarch and a cloudless sulphur visited flowers. And I saw four kinds of dragonfly - amberwing, blue dasher, slaty skimmer, and common whitetail.
One of the dogwoods began to turn fall colored. On the other hand, a couple of blue eyed grass flowers popped up. I heard but did not see blue jays, wrens, and a woodpecker. The
cicadas were so loud they beat the lawnmower. The hummers drank the feeder dry.
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