The prediction for full sun sure failed. There were moments when the sun broke through, but the sky stayed white. The birds got up late. A Carolina wren came for mealworms. The usual suspects plus their adopted cowbird and a titmouse competed for a place at the seed feeder. A female downy woodpecker joined in. Later a male goldfinch did too.

A young red bellied woodpecker ate cherries. So did robins and a brown thrasher. Brown thrashers and robins also poked through the mulch beds. I glimpsed a male ruby throat but it darted off. Snowy egrets were still fishing below the dam. An adult night heron hunted in the lawn above the bulkhead across the creek.

A skink ventured out during one of the sunlit moments. The argiope remained in the spartina. A Halloween pennant also perched in the spartina while a blue dasher sat next to me on the patio. A black swallowtail laid eggs on the rue but a tiger just flitted by. A duskywing skipper pollinated the mint.

I caught a small green frog in the pool. A hummer tried different guard posts but I don't think it could watch both the front yard feeder and the cannas behind the house. A blue jay joined the robins in the cherry tree. The afternoon was sunnier but the sky never really cleared and it clouded over again in the evening. Dragonflies with spotted wings hunted over the house after sunset. A few fireflies were still around as I listened to the cicadas and crickets.
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