Two Carolina wrens, a dove, titmice, and a hummer joined four cardinal fledglings for breakfast. A light rain fell briefly around 10:30am. I believe this titmouse was shaking the rain off its feathers. We picked figs in case there was more rain. One fly was more interested in meat than fruit. The argiope was still in the spartina.

An adult night heron perched on the dock bench. The snowy egrets had not left the dam outfall. The frog was back, calmly sitting on the top step of the pool ladder. I rescued a click beetle. Then a more serious rain began shortly after noon.

There was a little sun in the afternoon. Robins and the woodpecker were back in the cherry. The birds on the seed feeder were greedy and unwilling to share. The hummer kept an eye on its feeder.
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