Thankfully, the rain mostly stopped though there was a brief shower around 10am. Clouds hung low with an occasional break. A few times, the sun got through. It was comfortably warm though. Egrets again gathered at the whitewater rapids below the dam. But the creek upstream was placid at breakfast.

A common yellowthroat warbler (I think) played peek-a-boo with me in the azalea and rosemary. A flock of doves visited briefly. Jays continued to work on acorns. A Carolina wren snatched a fresh mealworm, (I had dumped the waterlogged ones) but didn't stay for a photo. We took the seed feeder in to clean. A squirrel that came for a drink had a sore on its neck so it is probably warble season.

The black swallowtail caterpillars continued to grow but I couldn't find the monarch caterpillars. They'd eaten plenty of milkweed before disappearing. Several butterflies came out - monarch, tiger swallowtail, red spotted purple, and
skippers. A Southern purple mint moth posed on a rosemary flower. Bumble and carpenter bees visited the herbs. When I got back in the mid afternoon there was life-and-death drama in the corner of the door between a tiger moth and a small spider. A leaf-footed bug rested on the glass at suppertime.
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