The morning glories were indeed glorious. Egrets fished. A bird I didn't recognize showed up in the camellia but flew as I clicked. It may have been a warbler. Other than that, the regulars were at the seeds, along with titmice. A dove sat beneath the feeder. I glimpsed a Carolina wren.

The sky clouded over at times but then the sun returned. It was very humid and only moderately warm. I rescued an adult
two-lined spittlebug from the water. The adults look so attractive that I ignore the larva. A few butterflies were out. A
differential grasshopper flew right past me and landed in the lavender and nibbled. A couple of fireflies appeared at dusk.

A great blue heron perched high in a pine across the creek. A female downy woodpecker came to the feeder. A couple of brown thrashers chased across the far end of the pool. Blue jays hammered, and dropped, acorns.
A lot of the rue turned brown like it had a disease.
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