The low angled light picked out turning leaves on the dogwood. Hummers were up and hungry. The regulars crowded the feeder and a female cardinal fed a fledgling. A juvenile night heron posed on the dock. Bugs zipped around without stopping to be identified.

The butterflies were out - swallowtails, sulphurs, snouts, and a red-spotted purple. We saw a skink at lunch. Chickadees congregated and a hummer guarded its feeder. The night heron hunted along the spartina. It wagged gently as it stood, maybe trying to rock a recalcitrant crab from a hole?
Rain started at 4pm and continued intermittently for the rest of the day. I thought it was over at supper, but no. Hummers and cardinals snatched a quick meal. And I saw a firefly.
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