The windows were fogged with condensation that eventually vaporized in weak sunlight. The creek was placid at breakfast, only disturbed by a convoy of geese. A pair of squirrels cavorted in the cherry. A snowy and a great egret were joined by a great blue heron at the dam outfall but high tide covered the rocks. A grackle poked around the cedar. A female red bellied woodpecker landed in the cherry but didn't stay.

Rain fell in the mid morning but ceased around 11am, so I did some pool cleaning and caught a female
green frog. In identifying it, I learned a new word:
ecotone. I was aware of the vitality of boundaries between habitats, but didn't know there was a word for it.

I saw blue jays and a brown thrasher. A Carolina wren teased me and I think I glimpsed the vireo. Titmice joined the feeder regulars. Fledgling cardinals were everywhere. An osprey swooped low over the creek but there were too many leaves in the way for a photo. Bees were the only insects I saw outside of some beetles in the water. A huge green June beetle was riding a twig. It rained off and on all afternoon.
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