There was sunshine despite the clouds. A breeze did not alleviate the heat and humidity. At least three titmice contended with the usual suspects in order to get seeds. The hummers had drunk their feeder dry so K swapped it with fresh. That was the last of a pint batch so I made another. One hummer chased off another then took up a sentry post in the dogwood. A cloudless sulphur, a monarch, and a black swallowtail passed through swiftly.

I saw a flicker in the grass below the redwood, but the camera was in the other room. Then something startled a squirrel so I peeked further around the office window and there was a pileated woodpecker working on the spindliest pine. That did it. I went for the camera and got off one shot when the battery gave up. So I went back to swap batteries and was rewarded with a white breasted nuthatch.
Back at the office window I saw blue jays, a mockingbird, and a least flycatcher (I think). A couple of downys showed up to round out the woodpecker family. The downys, the pileated, and the flicker were all male. But I have no idea what attracted them all at the same time. Snowy egrets persisted in poking around the rocks at the dam outfall. At lunch a couple of hummers stared at each other from inches away on a cherry twig, till one gave up.
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