The egrets were back at the dam. Ne squirrel definitely had a warble. A fine new bird I'm pretty sure was a
red eyed vireo appeared in the cherry. It kept flying at a branch and swinging under neath. I wonder if it was after a caterpillar? The light was bad and the bird active so the photo is fuzzy.

A female downy woodpecker visited the feeder along with the regulars and titmice. Blue jays stayed up in the trees. Birds began to show interest in the beautyberries. In the late afternoon I spotted a yellow crowned night heron on the dock, but it spotted me too. A flock of gulls circled overhead. I heard a wren scold.

The perplexing bumblebee was still visiting flowers, including zinnias. Two of the black swallowtail caterpillars looked ready to pupate. Lots of snails of all sizes clung to the pool coping. I found a very dead cicada and thought I could still hear live one. An argiope spider appeared in the front yard over the stone stream bed. Yet another mushroom popped up in the vine flowerpot. No wonder the vines have been looking sad. There were still fireflies in the evening.
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