The sky cycled from blue to gray and back to blue and then gray till dark. We were gone much of the morning but the afternoon was full of old friends and new. But breakfast was nothing but egrets.

Titmice came for lunch. The a white breasted nuthatch showed up. Blue jays were busy with acorns. Later in the afternoon, a brown thrasher hammered something on the ground, probably an acorn. A Carolina wren came for mealworms. One male cardinal ate beautyberries while another was on the feeder. A female goldfinch enjoyed the hummer water. And something dangled from the cherry twigs again but I could not be sure that it was a red eyed vireo.

A grasshopper was feeding a
cobweb spider in the corner of a window. I checked on the other spiders. The argiope was doing well. The barn spider was tucked into the masonry. The spiny orbweaver's flocked white areas were much less evident. In fact I almost walked into a second web with a smaller spider at the center - male? I did get a good look at the top side of the spiny orbweaver and it was as advertised.

A patch of birds nest puffballs appeared in the mulch.
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