The day started out bright. The tide was up over the dock, not surprising on the last day of the old moon. I missed most of the morning and, by lunch, clouds had moved in. A muted sun was visible behind them.

Crows harassed a hawk. Mallards had the creek to themselves. I glimpsed a Carolina wren but it got away. Squirrels and blue jays harvested acorns. Later the crows gathered and headed South, maybe to the highway interchange where they congregate at dusk.
Field crickets were loud and several were in the water. Bees and little moths hung around the rosemary. it was almost the only thing in bloom after the morning glories closed.
The cloud cover turned an ugly yellow at sunset then broke apart. This dark of the moon is the second for September, pretty good for a 30 day month. Apparently that happens about as frequently as a blue moon.
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