A Carolina wren arrived first, but one of the orioles chased it away. A female red bellied woodpecker landed on the post but left without trying the suet. Then a female oriole popped up in the camellia. After a little while, I realized I was seeing two of them.

A male oriole kept watch on the orange+mealworm+jelly feast but a mockingbird investigated the fruit. White throats and juncos scurried around and frequently panicked and disappeared to the bemusement of chickadees. A blue jay hunted acorns in the fallen leaves. Titmice eventually arrived along with cardinals and finches.

A downy woodpecker and the female pine warbler both wanted suet. So did a squirrel, but my strategy of leaving the packaging on one side defeated the rodent robber.

On the water, hooded mergansers hung out with Canada geese. Their coloring is similar even if their size is not. Mallards were out too.
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