I saw a bufflehead before there was enough light for a decent photo. Apparently the songbirds did not party last night because they were up for breakfast. At least two red breasted nuthatches alternated between suet and seeds. So did chickadees while a Carolina wren and the downy woodpeckers stuck to the suet. A female oriole also wanted suet. Rain dissolved the jelly and mealworms so I dumped the residue and refilled them. The male oriole must have been watching.

By lunch time the sky cleared. Warblers (pine and yellow rump) were interested in suet. A song sparrow and a junco foraged on the ground. The nuthatches and chickadees kept coming.

In the afternoon, a great blue heron caught some rays along the bulkhead. I saw a "duck" that I'm pretty sure was a coot. And a kingfisher dived but I could not see if it caught anything.
Bars of cloud picked up color at sunset though overhead the sky was nearly clear. A dark bank of cloud to the NE was probably headed our way. After dark when I went out to close the feeder, I saw a fuzzy crescent moon overhead.
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