No sign of Rudolph though. We were rushing around and a bit late opening the Sunflower Seed Cafe. I dumped rainwater and got fresh mealworms and jelly out. A male oriole kicked a Carolina wren off the mealworm dish but I had scattered some on the ground. A female red bellied woodpecker came for suet. I think I glimpsed a pelican.

When we got home in the afternoon there was bright sun in a cloudless sky. The morning's birds were joined by titmice and nuthatches. Song and white throated sparrows and juncos foraged on the ground.

As the shadows grew long and the sunlight more golden, the lake held lots of egrets and over two dozen cormorants. A group of cormorants is a "gulp." I thought I saw a hole in a tree with something emerging from it, but the photograph reveals that it was great blue heron. I mistook the shoulder patches for holes and the heron's head for a small critter! Then a couple of kingfishers came flying past and swooped and seemed to chase each other. A male landed on the neighbor's dock piling and a female on ours. But they soon left. And the sun set not long after.
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