We're into the winter weather pattern where bright days are cold and warm days are cloudy. The day began with bright sun and a frozen birdbath which I thawed with hot water. Birds were up earlier than yesterday. The oriole visited all his treats in succession and even tried a bark butter ball. Juncos, doves, chickadees, wrens, downy woodpeckers, white throated sparrows, red breasted nuthatches, titmice, a butterbutt and a blue jay all appeared before I finished a leisurely breakfast.

Then the feral cat tried to do some bird watching but they all left. Most came back off and on throughout the day. A female pine warbler showed up a little before lunch. The two male orioles had a standoff but I think the first to arrive was the winner. Some fishing went on with pelicans, gulls, egrets, and cormorants. An old fish trap washed up just below the dam outfall, only exposed at very low tides, and an egret was taking an interest in it. I hope there's no danger to the bird.
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