The whole day was overcast with a couple of very brief gleams of sun. And at first I thought it was going to be boring. The oriole got up for breakfast but he was alone. He got
mentioned in the newspaper today! Half an hour later a Carolina wren showed up and the oriole had to come back and argue over the mealworms. Then a downy woodpecker arrived and a little later I began to see white throated sparrows. Of course house finches and chickadee were on the seed feeder.

In the middle of the morning there was an altercation between one brave crow and a juvenile Cooper's hawk. The hawk was mostly behind foliage alas. Most of the birds departed but one chickadee apparently trusted the crow to keep the hawk busy. Right after that the red breasted nuthatches arrived.

Around 1pm all the other birds started to appear. Bluebirds wanted a drink. A pine warbler was hungry. A pair of cardinals came for seeds. Titmice were up for seeds or suet. The brown headed nuthatch joined bluebirds at the birdbath. Then the oriole had to butt in. Goldfinches shared the rapidly shrinking puddle in the birdbath. And finally, I saw juncos. A bossy blue jay scattered them all.

A mockingbird checked out the beautyberry but last week's robins had stripped it. Fairly late in the afternoon, a yellow rumped warbler showed up. Sometime during the day I saw a kingfisher zoom upstream but didn't get a photo. And K was the one who saw a flicker in the cherry.
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