Fluffy clouds dotted the morning sky but sunshine reflected off the trees and gilded the creek. Lots of leaves were floating while the trees were halfway to bare. A solitary cormorant fished and a mallard drake paddled by. Then I left.

At lunch, a brown headed nuthatch came to the birdbath for a drink. A red breasted nuthatch, or maybe two, was more interested in food. So were the downy woodpeckers. A pine warbler put in a very brief appearance. White throated sparrows mostly stayed under cover.

After lunch I spied the male oriole in the sakaki. He disappeared, but a couple of hours later I saw him visit the mealworms and jelly. The day was cooler but pleasant and much less windy. And the clouds disappeared.

Close to sunset egrets, geese, and ducks crowded the creek and lake. In addition to mallards, I saw several hoodies and a bufflehead. A golden afterglow lingered for half an hour after sunset.
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