A skin of ice floated on part of the creek and the birdbath was a solid block. Nevertheless mallards were paddling in the frigid water. The two male orioles were hungry, but the dominant one ate mealworms while the other paced on the steps, poor thing. I was hurrying to a meeting and got no pictures.

At noon, the sky was covered with corrugated clouds with lined of blue between the rows. The birdbath was still ice so I poured hot water into it. I saw juncos, a song sparrow, pine warblers and a yellow rumped warbler, male orioles, and red breasted nuthatches. Brown headed nuthatches were mixed in with chickadees, but came and went so fast I never got a photo. A blue jay raided the mealworms. A single egret waited below the dam.

After lunch, titmice, a Carolina wren, and downy woodpeckers joined the others. I glimpsed a white breasted nuthatch but it was gone to quick for the camera. A small flock of goldfinches visited the birdbath. Finally, a red bellied woodpecker landed on the post wanting suet. And then I had to leave again.
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