It was cold when I rushed out with mealworms and jelly, but the birdbath wasn't frozen. At breakfast I saw an egret and then an eagle pass high over the creek. Later a pelican also escaped my camera. Frothy clouds passed by headed East.

A brown thrasher joined the whitethroats in the leaves at the far end of the pool. A red bellied woodpecker displaced a downy. And when it came back, a crow buzzed the poor downy scaring it off the suet. Orioles, pine warblers, and Carolina wrens enjoyed mealworms. Juncos foraged under the feeder. A song sparrow occupied the birdbath. Titmice and the regulars ate seeds.
The wretched feral cat was in the back yard in the middle of the morning. The second male oriole ate some jelly in between looking anxiously around for the other male who soon showed up and put a stop ti the feast. Finally the red breasted nuthatches showed up. During lunch a chickadee took a bath.

After lunch we went to the
Lake Smith Lake Lawson park and walked out to the causeway between the two lakes. We saw a downy woodpecker, a flock of white throats, some hoodies and cormorants on the water. An egret and a great blue heron flew over. Clouds quilted the sky and produced some interesting effects, but the low light made it hard to photograph distant birds. When we got home another egret flew over the house. Sunset came quickly and the sun escaped briefly and lit up the treetops.
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