Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Busy day

I was stuck on Zoom for far too much of the time and yet I saw a lot of birds.  A white throated sparrow began the parade.  But I think it had conjunctivitis.  Then a brown thrasher settled on the bark butter and let me take many pictures. (The camera wanted to focus on the tree behind the bird.  I think that was because the tree was sunlit and the bird was in the shade.)  Soon the downy woodpeckers were busy on the suet.

On the creek, the little buffleheads were hanging out with the geese.  The kingfisher perched on the neighbors' dock.  Later a great blue heron stood on the bulkhead and an egret rested on our dock.  I saw a hoodie drake preening around the middle of the afternoon.  The grebe put in a brief appearance. 

During my rushed lunch, pine warblers took over the suet.  Then, curiously, the goldfinches evicted the warblers and appeared to eat suet.  So much for a vegetarian diet.  Meanwhile, a red breasted nuthatch sneaked past to get to the sunflower seeds.  After the goldfinches gave up, a Carolina wren took over the suet.  Suddenly, a white breasted nuthatch appeared.  It was chased off by the red bellied woodpecker.  

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