Sunday, December 13, 2020

Quite warm

Overnight rain left things very damp but not enough fell to dissolve the grape jelly.  There were a lot of clouds all day but also plenty of sunshine.  The temperature rose to the high 60s so birds weren't very interested in feeder food.  They didn't need the calories to keep warm and there were bugs to catch.  But in the mid afternoon the Carolina wren pair came for some suet.  

The red bellied woodpecker wanted bark butter balls but it flew off almost immediately.  Meanwhile the wrens split up and one moved over to the seed feeder.  I potted a gardenia twig that we'd persuaded to grow roots.  I draped the roots over a rock but buried everything in soil with the intent to gradually expose the rock and have it look like some ancient tree growing on a rocky crag. We'll see. 

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