Friday, August 27, 2021

Dog and birds

Another hot day energized the hummers - two streaked across the yard, one in pursuit of the other for daring to drink at the feeder.  Live skinks were moving fast, as well, but unfortunately I found three drowned ones in the skimmer.  I also found a live frog.  

There were sawflies all over the hibiscus - I hope they all get caught in the Argiope's web.  The basilica spider had an egg pearl hanging from an extra thick strand.  Some first instar swallowtail caterpillars munched on rue nearby.  Fruits on the dogwood were full grown and turning red.  A black mud wasp had to fly circles around the mountain mint every few minutes. Spidermites infested it.  A monarch flitted around but didn't land on the milkweed, so I suspect it was a male.  Instead, I found a cricket nymph on the milkweed.  

A Carolina wren was bold enough to seize a barkbutter ball while I sat nearby.  But a hummer buzzed around me and then left when I sat near its feeder.  The birds were more wary of Andy the dog than of me.  Andy, however didn't express much interest in them.  He did take notice of a cardinal, but that was it.  On the other hand, he ran off barking at something he smelled, maybe a rabbit or squirrel.  

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