The hummer paid a brief visit as did a house wren. Goldfinches and titmice came back for more. A chickadee looked into the sunflowers but mostly stuck to the feeder. A dove and a squirrel foraged on the ground. And a yellow crowned night heron perched on a dock piling.

In the late morning while I was cooking, a hummer stayed for a nice long meal, trying each hole in the feeder, and scanning the skies for UFOs. The very tiny skink caught my eye just as it slipped under the rosemary. A brown thrasher shook the azaleas. A palamedes swallowtail and an orange butterfly were again too fast for me but a dragonfly took up a perch. The wrens were still using the birdhouse.

Later, the same or another yellow crowned night heron stalked along the edge or the grass. A little green heron preened on the dock. A gray hairstreak shared the mint flowers with scoliid wasps.

It seems the bunny was not a good predictor: as I ate supper, a fox hunted along the far side of the pool.
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