The early birds were a hummer, titmice, and a goldfinch in addition to the usual chickadees and finches. The cherry tree was wriggling with birds. Streaky clouds covered a lot of the sky.

The whole day was very pleasant and the sky soon cleared. So many birds were bathing or basking or anting that I need to change the blog to Club Mallard and Spa. The wren was back in its preferred spot. Three doves visited at lunch and two used the birdbath, one for a soak the other a shower. In the late afternoon, both a robin and a brown thrasher spread out under the oak. Grackles and great crested flycatchers came for food, not personal services. I don't know what the blue jay in the oak was after.

A crane fly tried to penetrate the glass window. A lovely gulf fritillary refused to be photographed as did swallowtails. But I got a buckeye. And a great variety of dragonflies cooperated. Skinks were active all day.
The last day lily flower bloomed.
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