A goldfinch was up before me - I saw it while in bed. Doves walked around the patio. K hung the clean hummer feeder. And of course the regulars came to the seed feeder, along with titmice. When more than one male goldfinch visited the sunflowers there was no sharing.

I think the wrens fledged Tuesday when I wasn't home much. Yesterday the birdhouse was quiet and today there were wrens flying around the yard. Also on the move were swallowtails, saddlebags, and a skink. A skimmer discovered the bamboo pole I put up for the moonflower. The fig trees were loaded with unripe figs and the blueberries were still plentiful though there weren't many green ones left. Threatening clouds hovered on the Southern horizon. A hummer sampled the fresh juice in between finches drinking from the center moat.

The threat of rain brought out the mosquitoes which made the dragonflies happy, me not so much. A widow skimmer tried unsuccessfully to swap perches with a slaty skimmer. A twelve-spot stayed in flight. I got to see the fledgling brown thrasher get fed a blueberry.
As I sat outside at sunset, the heavy clouds had moved North without raining and turned orange. Hummers visited and I could hear cardinals fussing because I was too close for them to get a bedtime snack. I heard wrens scolding too. Tree crickets chimed and cicadas twanged. Then fireflies began flashing. The air was very still.
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