At breakfast, a titmouse was scared off the feeder by the regulars. A pair of goldfinches visited. A Carolina wren landed on the table outside but disappeared while I was snatching up the camera. A hummer made a short visit.

After lunch, I picked blueberries, leaving plenty for the wildlife. I saw a widow skimmer and a common whitetail, both females, a black swallowtail, and a skink. The house wrens were kept busy bringing food to their nest.

Later a male slaty skimmer took up post guarding us from tiny flying things. A butterfly teased me while I was in the pool.

A brown thrasher foraged under the oak. It may have been the bird that serenaded us for a while, unless there was an invisible mockingbird. Osprey circled as did a laughing gull. Squirrels playing chase flushed a Carolina wren. Two great crested flycatchers chased each other from tree to tree.
Toward suppertime, a couple of 12-spotted skimmers patrolled above the rooftop. An egret flew North.
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