At least three titmice joined the regulars at the feeder. The goldfinch pair showed up to stuff themselves on the sunflowers. The male teetered on a leaf to reach the underside of one of the big seed heads. Lots of birds were feeding in the cherry, including a brown thrasher, and
I think a blue jay. Hummers made several visits, but in the mid morning, a house finch got on the hummer feeder and the hummer couldn't make it leave. Finally, after the hummer gave up, the house finch decided there was no food there for it. A Carolina wren sang atop the hummer feeder hanger, then joined a house wren on the back of the bench.

For no discernible reason the power went out during lunch. A grasshopper clung to the glass as though it wanted in. A plethora of dragonflies came and went all afternoon. There were some disputes over which one got a perch. A common whitetail female preferred the wall. A black swallowtail laid eggs. Tiny green caterpillars kept landing on me as thought they were being blown out of the trees. The Carolina wren came back several times, as did hummers. The house wrens were still in the birdhouse. I heard mewing in the cherry and glimpsed a gray bird that may have been a catbird. The beauty berry has been blooming all week. A skink under her chair startled K.

Menacing clouds rode out of the West after the power came back. Then we had lightning, including one crack that sounded like it was next door. A biting fly appeared to get a meal before laying eggs in the prospective puddles. That, rather than the lightning drove me inside. After a lot of drama, the rain finally started around 6pm. By then the clouds appeared to be coming from the East though radar said the storm was headed out to sea. Maybe they were swirling? Several inches of rain fell.
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