Passing clouds and a high in the 80s. It may be time to change the hummer juice again - the visits were short. And the squirrel with the white spot sampled the hummer juice. Goldfinches on the other hand seemed very pleased with the progress of the fresh seeds. Titmice stuck to the feeder along with the regulars. An actual honeybee appeared on a sunflower.

Skinks appeared in the afternoon. A black and white striped
Anthophora bee also visited a sunflower. The tiger swallowtail made its daily fly-by. A Carolina wren came to the feeder but didn't let me get a good photo. A hummer looked like she had pollen on her bill. I had tossed unripe blueberries into the mulch under the feeder where they were discovered by a delighted squirrel.

A few drops of rain fell around 3pm. Then the dragonflies came out. I saw a red Carolina saddlebags, a couple of slaty skimmers that wouldn't share a perch, and lots of 12-spotted skimmers. Swallows also cruised for bugs, sort of like whales after krill. The house wren is still sitting on her nest. More raindrops fell at sunset.
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