Only the regulars came to the feeder. An egret flew downstream. Birds I couldn't make out picked cherries. The overcast acquired texture late in the morning, then the clouds broke apart and some became dark and heavy but there was also blue sky and sunshine.

Lots of birds were in the cherry when a hawk joined them and all got very quiet. All I saw was the banded tail so I couldn't say whether it was a coopers or a sharpie. The pair of goldfinches worked on the sunflowers and a chickadee tried to copy them. Titmice came to the feeder. The hummer had some trouble with other birds getting too close. I saw a juvenile mockingbird on the patio with a bald cardinal and a brown thrasher on the fence. A great crested flycatcher, a blue jay, and a fledgling robin were up in the trees. A great blue heron waded below the dam.

A male common whitetail joined a blue dasher and a slaty skimmer, but failed to protect me from a saltmarsh (or tiger?) mosquito. I also saw a huge black wasp (or fly?) hunting close to the ground. And swallowtails, as usual, escaped me. A cabbage white and some other small butterflies passed by quickly. Skinks ranging from tiny to adult scurried around.
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