A hummer was up at dawn.Titmice and goldfinches joined the regulars. The house wrens were carrying food to the birdhouse. An egret perched by the dam outflow. A juvenile cardinal foraged under the sunflowers. The white spot squirrel looked for treats. The sky was mostly cloudy.

The cloudcover dissipated by lunch. Later, single clouds blew out of the West. A black swallowtail visited, and briefly a comma. Dragonflies included a Needham's or golden-winged skimmer, a widow skimmer, blue dashers, and a black saddlebags. A robber fly and a little green grasshoper nymph were up on the patio. A skink came by. Several osprey circled in the sky. Doves and grackles were courting.

Too many Japanese beetles were in the water. I saved other beetles, spiders, and wasps, including one
Polistes exclamens. Also, there was a sizable
green frog! The water was high enough it jumped out. (or was it a bullfrog?)
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