And flocks of starlings and robins attacked the cherry tree. A brown thrasher sneaked in too. But the goldfinch stuck to the sunflowers. Meanwhile, the buckeye butterfly came back. And a large dark butterfly passed through.

A male
Needham's skimmer tried every perch. Both sexes of
slaty skimmer also hunted from perches. And both sexes of widow skimmer did the same. An Eastern amberwing was down in the grass. I also saw blue dashers, two kinds of saddlebags, and a green female pondhawk. Black and tiger swallowtails passed through. A
hairstreak joined the scoliid wasps on the mint.

Hummingbirds found the juice worth coming back for. At least three great crested flycatchers were wheeping it up. And I counted four brown thrashers but I don't know if there were two parents or three offspring. The beauty berry was still blooming though berry clusters had formed. And I glimpsed a fox in the neighbors' yard.
I didn't see the moon till after dark. The silent fireflies were accompanied by the jingle of tree crickets and a variety of buzzing sounds.
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