A goldfinch turned his beak up at the sunflower seed feeder. But the titmice didn't care. K refilled it after chasing a large roach out and cleaning the inside. A hummer lurked in the cherry and zoomed out to defend "her" feeder. I saw something brown land in the water and thought it was a duck, but it was just a clump of dead oak leaves. As I sat on a conference call, a hummer visited the canna and the Mexican sage right outside the window and then came and looked at me. Of course the camera was at the other end of the house.

Crows were fussing when I got home. A skink trotted across the cement by the pool. An
American bird grasshopper nymph hopped out of my way. A red paper wasp scraped wood off the bench. I found yet another young skink swimming. First it didn't want to be rescued, then it didn't want to leave. Maybe it was playing dead? A blue jay called its friends and relations to come eat acorns. I went back out to enjoy the evening and someone was running a chainsaw or similar infernal device. And, a cicada was determined to drown it out. I didn't stay to learn the winner.
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