It was a beautiful day, if a bit cool for swimming. Hummers were up early. An egret fished under the bulkhead. Titmice and chickadees squabbled over seeds and a blue jay raided the mealworms. I took advantage of the lower temperature to plant the succulent I bought. The beans I planted had a few orange (not scarlet) flowers. A fiery skipper hung out on the lantana. Skinks were underfoot. I saw more dragonflies and butterflies today. A red-spotted purple made touch-and-go landings on the water. All three argiope spiders seemed to be doing well.

We got back around 4pm. A wren buzzed in the shrubbery but disappeared before I returned with the camera. I found a fresh batch of caterpillars on the indigo and a cicada shell on some stonecrop, not a very high place to metamorphose. While I watched the front hummer feeder, two hummers inspected me.

A male widow skimmer was perched on the mealworm feeder in back. A black swallowtail laid eggs on the rue, then posed next to the dragonfly. A hummer kept watch on the feeder. A painted lady perched on oak leaves. Fluffy, somewhat shredded cumulus flowed out of the NNE under higher, thinner cumulus slowly moving up from the WSW. A duskywing looked quite pale in the sunlight.
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