At lunch, hummers indicated the juice was still good. A blue dasher used the mealworm hanger as a perch. A
Question Mark butterfly vis

I found a frog and a skink floating. The frog was dead but the skink revived and scampered off.

I also fished out a little brown click beetle. And I saw on the coping a very strange insect I think was a nymph of a true but, possibly a leaf-footed bug. It had long red antennae, and red on the first section of its legs. The legs were flanged like a leaf-foot. It carried itself high with the legs arranged almost in a circle and walked in a stately manner.
Acanthocephala declevis looked like the best match, but if so the range is moving North.

Two garden spiders built their webs side by side in the marsh. Something reddish clung to one web. I think the spider that was next to the dock relocated and joined the other in the wide space between two saltbushes.
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